Guidelines on Staff Evaluation
All Regen Lab Staff must accomplish the evaluation form (PES) and specific tasks each semester (Jan - Jun / Jul - Dec) following the guidelines indicated below.
guidelines_on_regen_lab_staff_evaluation__revised_2022-12-27_.pdf |
2023_jan-jun_pes_form-template.docx |
2023_jan-jun_specific_tasks-template.xlsx |
Upload PES form and specific tasks to your respective Regen lab google folder before the start of the meeting.
*CIP researcher and other interns may follow the evaluation form set by the funding agency. However, the contents of the evaluation should follow the contents indicated in the guidelines above. In addition, the CIP researcher should fill up the Critical factors section (Part II) of the PES form during the evaluation period.
*CIP researcher and other interns may follow the evaluation form set by the funding agency. However, the contents of the evaluation should follow the contents indicated in the guidelines above. In addition, the CIP researcher should fill up the Critical factors section (Part II) of the PES form during the evaluation period.
Copyright ©2016, University of the Philippines Diliman, Institute of Biology, Regenerative Biology Research Laboratory