Guidelines for preparing thesis / dissertation proposal
CAPSULE PROPOSAL w/ references
- Follow the General Instructions on the guidelines for preparing thesis / dissertation manuscript
- Include information relevant to the topic only
- Must be in a paragraph format with appropriate subheadings
- Include References following the format set in the guidelines for preparing thesis / dissertation manuscript
CAPSULE PROPOSAL w/ references
- Prepare text in A4 paper format, single spaced, and paragraph format
- Limit to 1 page only (excluding references)
- Use oxford commas (serial comma or series comma) - a comma placed immediately before the coordinating conjunction in a series of three or more terms. For example, a list of proteins should be punctuated as "TP53, CDKN1A, and CDKN2A".
- Be consistent with verb tenses (e.g. use present tense throughout the proposal except for the summarized experimental design which should use future tense)
- Include a thesis title in a sentence case format NOT all caps or capitalized per word [A thesis title should be general and NOT a hypothesis unlike a paper to be submitted to a journal]
- Include a Rationale of the study with the following information (no headers): (a) Background, (b) Significance, (c) Problem, and (d) Hypothesis
- Include a Study Objective with the following information (no headers except for Specific Aim 1, 2 , etc.):
- General Objectives - can be combined with the hypothesis
- Specific Aims (one for BS, two for MS, and three for PhD)
- Each aim should start with “To determine whether…”, so that the aim will be answerable by yes or no
- Followed by a summarized Experimental Design right after each aim.
- Do not put subtitles or subheaders
- Include References following the format set in the guidelines for preparing thesis / dissertation manuscript
- Submit all text in a single MS Word file
- Format according to the guidelines set by the Institute of Biology (IB) and must include: (a) Title page with title, name of student, and name of adviser, (b) Introduction [containing contents of the capsule proposal - no subheadings], (c) Review of Related Literature, (d) Materials & Methods, (e) References, (f) Tables and Figures (if any), (g) Line-item budget, and (h) Timeline
- Follow the thesis guidelines set by CS and IB for undergraduate and graduate students and the guidelines for preparing thesis / dissertation manuscript but keep the verb tense for the Materials and Methods in the future tense
- Include research budget from scholarships (e.g. DOST or CHED) under the Line-item budget section
- Include a Gantt chart of activities per month (actual months) from the start of the experiment until the submission of the bound manuscript under the Timeline section
Copyright ©2016, University of the Philippines Diliman, Institute of Biology, Regenerative Biology Research Laboratory